Soft & Silky foot cream with eucalyptus and peppermint deeply moisturises your feet and improves the texture of skin. Take care of your feet with regular application of cream and moisturisation. We advise that you accompany the use of the foot cream with the Scrub & Soothe foot scrub.
The bioactive ingredients from calendula, lady’s mantle and field horsetail strengthen the skin structure and heal micro-wounds. Coconut oil moisturises, soothes and takes care of cracked heels. Jojoba oil hydrates, revitalises, tones and restores the natural balance of the skin. The cream contains plenty of sea-buckthorn oil, which has C, E, K, and P vitamins that nourish and soften the skin. It also helps to improve skin structure and heal micro-wounds. The antioxidants found in natural oils make the skin silky soft and supple. You can smell tea tree oil, eucalyptus and peppermint in this cream.
Usage: Apply the cream on the soles of your feet, toes and heels. Massage it gently into the skin and enjoy the refreshing feeling.
The ingredients in our foot cream are natural and vegan. We have used oils extracted from hand-picked wild herbs from Saaremaa in this cream.
Storage: Store the cream at room temperature.
Quantity: 50ml
Pille –
Õhtul tegid kannaviil ja jalakreem tõhusat koostööd ja hommikul supsasin oma pehmed jalakesed rahumeeli sukkpükstesse.
Ilona –
Mõnus jalakreem, millel on üks suur puudus – purk on selgelt liiga väike. Tahaksin ka pisut rohkem tunda piparmündi värskendavat ja jahutavat toimet. Aga, meeldib nii ka.
jannetamine (verified owner) –
Kõige parem jalakreem — mõnus tekstuur, imendub hästi ja jätab jalad pehmeks. Juba purki avades teadsin kohe, et sellest saab minu suur lemmik.
Gerli (verified owner) –
Mõnusalt paks kreem, mis siiski ilusti sisse imendub ja jalad pehmeks jätab.
Piret –
Algul arvasin, et jääb hirmus rasvane, kuis eksisin väga.. jalad on hoolitsetud ja pehmed 😊
Erika (verified owner) –
Väga mõnus kreem! Meeldiva lõhnaga, mugav kasutada ja mõnus tulemus. Olen laisk koorija, aga leian hetke õhtul kreemitamiseks. Soovitan hoida kusagil voodi lähedal, siis ei juhtu seda, et ei viitsi kreemi otsima minna. 🙂
Keiu (verified owner) –
Teeb jalad nii mõnusalt pehmeks 🙂